The Grand Wedding Venue

The Grand Wedding Venue

One of the largest projects we've been able to document, The Grand wedding venue in Bradford. Our entire team to worked tirelessly, creating and installing countless pieces of bespoke plasterwork to transform the empty hall you will see below into something we are very proud of.

Rows of intricate curved plaster panelling amongst scaffolding

Vast scene of partially installed plasterwork with detailed cornicing and tiles amongst scaffolding and support beamsPart of a large plaster dome in the process of installationPartially installed Plaster dome with detailed curved cornice rimInstalled plaster ceiling dome with edge lighting fittedDetailed plasterwork ceiling above scaffoldingWide open hall with intricate plaster ceiling and exposed columnsRow of five large inset plaster ceiling domessplit curved staircase below detailed plaster ceilingLarge bespoke curved wall panelsPlasterers putting the finishing touches on one of the many large curved wall panels createdLarge bespoke curved wall panelsPlaster cornice installationBespoke plaster columns, cornice and railingsRoom with intricate domed plaster ceiling and panellingExterior large plaster column under cosntructionExterior building with large plaster columns under constructionplaster columns balconylarge hall with intricate plaster ceiling, plaster domes and multiple plaster columnsBespoke Curved Plaster Ceiling TilesChandelier in Plaster Ceiling Dome With Intricate Plaster Detailingrow of chandeliers in bespoke plaster ceiling domes with intricately columned and ornately decorated balcony